Corpsefucking Art - Quel Cimitero Accanto Alla Villa
Ghost Tower - Head of Night
Grey Skies Fallen - Cold Dead Lands
Ascended Master - What Was... And What Shall Be Again
Incarceration - Empiricism
Würm – Aux Portes De L'agonie
Black Heliumm - The Wholly Other
Bloodlust - Black Mass
Dark Druid - Exitio Mortem
RGRSS - A World of Concern
Venomous Breath - Svb Vmbra Occvltorvm
Morgued - Terrorformed
Walpurgis Night - Midnight Wanderer
Lecter - Inhumane Bludgeoning
Guede - Folie a deux
Cikuta - The Golden Root Era
Chasmdweller - Fossilized
Eallic - Rake of the Astral Leviathan
Eroded - Darkness Awaits The Dead
Temple of Void - Lords of Death
Dead Ending - Shoot The Messenger
Omegas - Power To Exist
Ninnixu - Collection
Eggþér - Volume Null
Heavydeath - Eternal Sleepwalker
The Hyle - Demo
Vayron - Demo 2022
Rejoice in Moribund - Equality Through Obliteration
Abvulabashy - Upon the Altar ov Lucifer
Idle Ruin - Idle Ruin
Demiricous - III: Chaotic Lethal
Vile Execution - Waste & Rot
Terror Revolucionario / The Grindful Dead / Masher / HCG - Noise Comes Ripping
Clavus - Rebus Paranormalibus
Wyer - Raeht
430 Steps - Nothing Left